Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Improve My Refractor

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Sonia Barrett-The Bay Area UFO Expo, September 12-13th 2009, THE SMOKE AND MIRROR OF EARTH'S DESIGN

Earth has many concepts; a maze of possibilities occurring simultaneously, streaming from ones consciousness, ones mind.

The idea that there are people living on the planet having a completely different experience from what we have perceived as being the accepted collective concept is unfathomable to most. Is it possible that there are other concepts of reality being experienced by other human beings, completely unrelated to the base laws and principles which we have been programmed with? Are there others defying the laws of physics perhaps? The general idea of what earth or life as a human can be or, must be continuously reaffirmed by our scientists and our supposed educated thinkers are most often limited. We have been programmed to follow the lead of such minds yet most often we retard our own evolution waiting for the scientific community to confirm or to give the ok on concepts and ideas that we may hold about the nature of reality.

So I pose the question is it necessary for us to wait around for permission to think outside the box. Discoveries are made and covered when they do not fit the programmed concepts ensuring that such limitations will continue to be hard wired into the human gene pool of this concept of earth. Can we choose other than what we have been programmed with? Just how is our thinking in primitive Such transitions as 2012, what if 2012 has Already Occurred? These Are Just a few topics I will be Discussing. There Is Another world right here, right nowthe question is can you expand your perception and your old Programs evolve in order to pierce the veil of this reality. Reality is only a slight of hand trick by the mind.


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