Thursday, January 20, 2011

Corrigan Everett Brent Watch

Women Talking (some definitions)

Mutar : Change. Move from one place to another. With or without load. Or carry only cargo and leave your body anywhere. Or leave the baggage and move freely and naked through a mountain stream and everything green. Mutar

: Move in circles around a point. Make a drawing of three hundred sixty-five degrees and reach the same place but at a later time. Mutar

: Undressing and dressing again. Renew
and dress again. Mutar

: Moving from state to state butterfly larva.
change into something that one is not. Or was something you did not know it yet. Make
alchemy with a kiss. Mutar

: Talking through his teeth. Murmur. Hide
a voice. Stay

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why Wont Oovoo Recognize My Webcam

telltale dark circles like a dream ....

must get in line, told me a man of dubious origin. A row for what exactly? To launch, said getting ahead quickly and easily. As I lifted my head I saw you all, forming an edge, rather shore, protruding from the rock face that seemed to be infinite. I decided to form, even without the certainty needed to know I was getting into. No one seemed frightened or sad, unlike all talking with each and all were friends of all, I came to know well that a couple of all that crowd. I prefer (and me is that my memory keeps me otherwise) simply leave them as anonymous 1 and 2. Anonymous 1 (which was ahead of me) claimed to have solved the question of life, but it should ensure throwing (still do not know where) to corroborate his theory, however anonymous 2 (behind me) said that it was launched only he did not know any reason to execute that action. I naively ask you where and why one is launched, the first to respond was anonymous 2, who said the guy was thrown or motives according to harass him. Anonymous 1 added immediately that the jump may or may not die, it all depends on where you drop the physical body. I nodded, intrigued by the words of these 2 characters. The line moved fast and the time seemed to stop at home. Soon came the turn of anonymous 1, who kindly took leave without hesitation, jumped and landed on a tree, was safe. Then my turn, I knew exactly where they lost, there was an empty pool and soil, all comfortable if you think you are going to land all of a sudden, but I thought more and threw me over the edge. I acted on my instincts and stuck to the table with one hand. And there I was, swaying and even doubt about where exactly fall. Seeing that people were getting impatient, I projected into the empty pool and decided to drop there (although the most likely not survive). As I let go I felt anonymous 2 exclaim that he would die, but seconds before impact with the ground, a wave of mud hit me and lessened the impact significantly. In short, I had saved his life. Then I came to find out that this "wave of mud" had been controlled by one of the many spirits that roamed there, so I started to look to make me thank you have saved the life of naivety.
After looking carefully, I found him as a shy-looking young man (do not remember well) wallowing in the mud near a cliff. At the time of me was buried revealing only your thumb. I sat down to wait it out.
Night came and decided to reveal herself completely. I thanked him a kiss and left.