This week I will buy a jacket and a pair of new shoes because these and my feet hurt. And I'll eat more vegetables, eliminating carbohydrates and sweets, to score in the gym, go to the gym, arrange my schedule, fixing the clock, polishing shoes, quitting jobs, find a new job, loosened his tie, adjusting the cords, jogging, five laps around the park, watering plants, to bed before midnight, and take to bed Cortazar, a Girondo or some / a poet unknown, to which I soak in the skin, and I to wake up early and have breakfast with yogurt, I'll write at least one story, four poems, two more chapters of my novel, sell the house, find a new home, plant a tree, find girlfriend, to call so you know, visit Edgard, tell John, go to the dentist because I have a toothache, seek appointment with the dietitian, ask for appointment with the gastroenterologist, turn to ask the clinician in case, make purchases for the month, fill the fridge, washing clothes, cleaning the windows, oven, sweep under the bed, change all the pork skins leaking, fix the water heater, fix a schedule with the plumber to fix the water heater, see a most excellent play with you, dine you, the vacation with or without you, traveling to all places you can, take courses and workshops you can, you can visit museums, and record this in a list, well detailed and in order, read the list, look set so that I have no doubt, then, once that has been thoroughly reviewed, I can break it into bits, or little ones, almost crushed powder and I'll go to the balcony and I'll let the wind take them, to remain who I am, until next week.
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