A Nelais and Denise and Loro aThe
and all individuals
cumplenaños the same day that I
foulbrood if you can say with absolute certainty is that in a random sample detrescientos sixty-six (366) people, be at least two (2) that same day cumplanaños [1] . Siguiendoel same reasoning, in seven hundred thirty-two (732) people there are four (4) meeting the same day, and eighteen-thirty (1830) people, haydiez (10) who celebrate their birthdays together. [2]
Noparece be a significant number. Worldwide there are approximately six milochocientos seventy million people (6.87 billion), according cifrasestimadas, two thousand ten. This means that at least thirty seven millonesy half (37.5 million) people in the world, meet the same birthday. Soncasi all inhabitants of a country as Argentina. As if a paíshubiese born the same day as you. Or me.
Todosserían Gemini (I am). And maybe, for our astrological affinities, we would think like. For example, you could find all unmismo day in one place.
inrespect day almost no doubt would fit. The place could be triangulated with Córdoba Avenue intersecciónde Gascón street, exactly where AvenidaEstado born in Israel, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Not unaesquina either: there are cross three different neighborhoods of Buenos Aires with idiosincrasiasbien: Almagro, Palermo and Villa Crespo. As we stand at that point of absurdity seguramentehablaríamos borders and we would agree enabolirlas.
Esdifícil imagine that thirty-seven and half million people puedanlograr not an objective and a new world born. Nifronteras a world without limits. Gemini In this world, we would live in harmony and freedom.
Laúnica restriction, to live in this world, is that sex may be taken in September reproductivosólo. [3]
[1] Unless just be a leap year and one is born a February 29, and so on, but the twenty-ninth of February leap years belong to another story.
[2] mathematical Note: although the calculations and figures of this paper are real (they can verify), this is a literary and poetic text should be read as such. The fact that the poetry produced a paradox, is completely circumstantial.
[3] Note to statesmen astólogos and those born in Gemini should take shape in September. At best in late August. Except for the premature and ochomesinos, in that case might arise at any time.
[2] mathematical Note: although the calculations and figures of this paper are real (they can verify), this is a literary and poetic text should be read as such. The fact that the poetry produced a paradox, is completely circumstantial.
[3] Note to statesmen astólogos and those born in Gemini should take shape in September. At best in late August. Except for the premature and ochomesinos, in that case might arise at any time.
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